New Look • Same People • Same Values

Reshaping Our Brand


You know that old comfortable T-shirt you got 20 years ago? It’s great and all, but at some point, it no longer accurately reflects who you are. You look in the mirror and think, “It’s time for a change”. That moment came for us as our company approaches 40.

Over the years we’ve had a variety of logos and looks, and each of them were perfect at the time. Yet, none of them truly reflect who we are today and what we can do. 

Following is not really our style, either what someone else is doing or repeating what we’ve done in the past. We prefer leading the way and looking for opportunities to improve our company.

The Evolution of Our Logo

The swooshes, which represent conveyor belts, have been reshaped into a circle to represent our well-rounded expanded services.

After much soul searching and literally hours spent at the drawing board we boiled it down to this:  a circle accurately depicts the well-rounded approach we take to helping our customers. It also represents our core values, which are central to everything we do. 

Having our initials in that circle is a simple way for people to recognize us at a glance. So when you see that red circle with “BTI” you know who we are even without having to read our name. 

Some may wonder, “What’s up with the backward ‘B’?” IT’S BACKWARD??!! We liked how it looked. We went back and forth on this, and it just looked better backward.

In the world of material handling it takes creativity and problem-solving to make everything fit together and work. We solved the problem of how to make our initials fit together by thinking outside the box.  We help our customers do the same thing but on a much larger scale. 

While our business has expanded beyond conveyor belting, we’re still the same company that has been “just down the road” for decades. We are Belt Tech Industrial. That’s how our customers know us, it’s our heritage and we are proud of it. 

Living in a world of abbreviations and acronyms, we wanted a simple way for people to refer to us. Our new logo highlights our acronym – BTI.

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